So I'm a little late on the Random Wednesday posting, the label still applies!
- Still plugging away at the Ravelympics project. I do have one sleeve done, one to go, plus the yoke... I'm hurrying, I know! I've only got 4 days left! And yes, I take full responsibility for the 4 days that I didn't work on it due to, um, not having the 10.5 DPN's. Whoops...
- I don't think I've mentioned it before, but I'm a total American Idol junkie. I've watched it since the first season, and am still addicted. I made sure that our DVR stayed plugged in when we left the country, just in case they didn't air it in Indonesia. Surprisingly, they did! Anyway, after the preliminaries, I was pretty excited about a few of the contestants, but after the last 2 nights, man, almost all of them were terrible! I kept saying to Jeff, I think they gave both groups the off-key microphones, cause nobody could hit the right notes. It was BAD!
Dogs on Thursday:

This is Murphy and Izzie, my MIL's 6 month old Labradoodle. She's adorable, but rotten as can be! We think she's Dexter reincarnated. She's so smart, but so darn stubborn, just like he was! She's coming to stay with us Friday night through the following weekend as Jeff's mom and step-dad are going to Puerto Rico. So, we'll be trying to keep her from eating the house for a week. Man, I'm not ready for another puppy, I feel like we just got Murphy out of that stage!
- Oh, another dog related thing. Please go vote for Murphy in the Humane Society Spay Day 2010 Online Photo Contest. It raises money for a local Dublin, Ohio non-profit, Rascal Charities, for reduced cost spaying and neutering. Spaying and neutering is one of the most impactful steps in reducing the number of homeless pets in shelters. An estimated 10 million homeless animals are euthanized each year in the U.S. I'll get off my soapbox now, but animal welfare is an issue that is important to me, so I want to promote it a little. I've also added a button on the side linking to the Animal Rescue Site. Just clicking a button helps provide food and services to rescued animals. There are also links to gifts and other sites assisting homeless animals. You can click every day, so click away!
- I think that's all! Happy Thursday!
My 1st blog comment! :-) I better make this memorable. OK, what to say, what to say.... I got it! HI!! :-)
ReplyDeleteit's me, Dan, by the way, lol. Had to choose anonymous b/c I had none of the other choices.
ReplyDeleteAre you calling my baby "rotten"? And she is Dexter reincarnated. This week she jumped up on the kitchen counter and stole a hamburger bun! Another bread monster ;-)
ReplyDeleteThose two look like they are having great fun!